Young Jason is enthusiastically putting together his first band and is ready to become a Rockstar. Don’t we all know this feeling from back then?
It begins small: First gigs singing cover songs, with Jason expecting tons of lots to show up and see the new band. When no girls show up, it must be because he has no car right? Girls can be so materialistic.
More gigs are arranged, nothing too big, when Jason realizes the other band members aren’t taking it as seriously. Why is this?
Then begins his time at university with no idea what the future will hold for him. Almost at random, he picks finance. With his degree in his pocket he’s finally able to join his first company but this means moving away from home. The band is falling apart. Although it seems nobody was putting in the effort anyway.
After that, it was all about the job. He’s working hard, being successful, his family is on top of the list. With that also comes the birth of Josh, his first son.
After some years he realizes he can suddenly afford all the guitars he’s always dreamed of! Now, seeing all the guitars on the wall, he feels that old desire coming back. He contacts his old band but everyone’s busy. After some persuasion, he gets them to try. Advances in technology allow them to practice remotely from their homes. After years of abstinence, gigs are organized once more but they realize they are no longer young. The music is deeper, technology is better, but something’s not right. It feels wrong to be on stage. They’re finally making music again but the women are still not impressed. They think these guys are silly…
The music they’re playing might be a tad “old-fashioned” but the boys don’t care. They play loud and with passion because they feel young again. Only this time, it’s their own songs.
At this point his son Josh is setting up his own band. Josh discovers the old songs his dad used to play and the new one’s he’s writing. Suddenly girls are showing up. They play more and more until the first record deal is signed. Somehow the contract isn’t turning out, instead they achieve massive success on social media, and actually become really big! Now he’s celebrating his dream, although as it always is, the constant stress and need to continue performances brings them to drugs and loads of alcohol. The pressure to deliver is constantly on the rise.
Jason finally realizes what that same path would have meant for him. He comes to terms with his choices and that his own path might have been the better one. His son is in trouble!
At the end, Jason is incredibly happy to have been able to make music and to write songs for others to play, although in the end, this almost becomes largely irrelevant as Jason learns what matters most to him. The safety and security of his family, especially his son.
The Story of Rock My Dream
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